What is DeMolay?
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Here you can find out more information on what DeMolay is.

DeMolay is an 'experience'

Unlike other organizations where members come and go and events are controlled by adults, DeMolays learn to take responsibility for planning and executing whatever events they wish. They are supported by a group of 'Advisors' who provide input and mature oversight so that things won't go awry but they encourage these young men to learn and grow into adulthood through leadership experiences and training.

DeMolay has 'rituals'

Like most clubs, there are ceremonies of initiation but they are totally without any type of hazing whatsoever and are designed to impress upon the mind of the candidate the precepts of DeMolay:

  • Filial Love - Love of parents
  • Reverence -for sacred things
  • Courtesy - to all and not just our friends and family
  • Comradeship
  • Fidelity
  • Cleanness
  • Patriotism

DeMolay is not a 'junior Masonic organization'

Many of its adult leaders are members of the Masonic fraternity and from the examples they set, many DeMolays decide to petition Masonry themselves when they reach the applicable age for Masonic membership in their jurisdiction. DeMolay affiliation, however, is no expectation or guarantee of later Masonic membership.

DeMolay is a lifetime membership

DeMolay membership in Maine varies in cost based on each individual chapter but is generally about for a lifetime membership in the Order. There are no additional yearly dues. Some activities involve a cost but members regularly hold fund raising projects so that they can pay for these activities as much as possible. Fund raising and financial planning helps prepare these young men for the 'real world' where financial management is important. There's a great pride in raising the money so that it can be enjoyed on a later activity. In both the fund raising and fund spending, DeMolays have fun.

DeMolays do what THEY want!

Chapter, state-wide, and national events are all designed and run by DeMolays. Whether it's a basketball tournament or a week at camp sharing fun and fellowship; a dance or donating time at a food pantry, DeMolays decide what they want to do and then do it! Mature, responsible adult leadership ensures that activities are safe and sane but by allowing the members to 'direct their destiny', they learn important lessons for their later manhood.

Overall DeMolay is what you make it.